Episode 003 - 28 Years Of Daring The Fire Gods With Assistant Chief Marty Greene

For this episode, we sit down with recently retired Assistant Chief Marty Greene. In his 28 years he served on some of DeKalb's busiest engine companies eventually promoting to run an entire shift. Our jumping off point for this conversation is the question, "What would rookie firefighter Marty Greene think of Assistant Chief Marty Greene?" From there we talk about flipping the light switch, the political dangers of equipment testing for your department, the easiest decision for the incident commander, and daring the fire gods. We throw in a war story or two and end with our firefighter version of the Pivot Questions.

NOTE: This third episode also finds us with our first correction: during my introduction of Chief Greene I say that DeKalb is 170 square miles when it's actually just over 270. Not critical, but a mistake made due to me not being better prepared with a scripted introduction. We also can't seem to figure out why one of the audio tracks on every podcast comes out muffled. We're working on fixing that, but we hope you stick with us for the content; not the polish.